Who can apply for scholarships at WCC?
All current and enrolled WCC students are encouraged to apply for scholarships. Students who are strongly considering WCC should also apply for scholarships.  

Do I need my Student ID number to apply?
Yes, you must have a WCC Student Identification number to complete the application.  If you do not have an ID number or do not know your ID number, please call the WCC Admissions Office at (276)223-4701 or 1(800)468-1195 ext. 4701 prior to beginning your application. 

How many scholarships are available?
WCC has over 200 private scholarships and four additional tuition scholarship programs, the Wythe-Bland Scholarship, the Twin County Community Foundation Scholarship, the Smyth Promise Scholarship, and the Forging Futures Scholarship. Students only have to complete one application to be eligible for all scholarships. 

How do I apply?
Simply fill out the short application online. Make sure to complete every section, including the essay section. Students only have to complete one application to be eligible for all scholarships.

When is the deadline?
Scholarships are awarded twice per year for the Fall and Spring semesters.  Priority scholarships awards for the Fall semester are made in June, and priority applications are due around the beginning of May.  Priority scholarship awards for the Spring semester are made in November, and priority applications are due around the beginning of October.  Students are notified of priority scholarship deadlines for each semester on the college website, on Facebook, and by student email.  Scholarship applications and emergency aid applications are taken year-round for instances of special and extenuating circumstances and are reviewed individually.

What else do I need to do, other than complete the scholarship application?
Scholarship applicants must also have a complete FAFSA to be awarded any scholarship. 

I have applied for a scholarship.  When will I find out if I received a scholarship award?
Priority scholarship applicants will be notified of their award or non-award in writing by mail.   Notifications are typically sent out in November for Spring awards and in June for Fall awards.

I received a scholarship award.  Now what?
Scholarship recipients will receive a letter detailing the next steps. Generally, recipients must provide a typed and signed thank you letter and a signed scholarship agreement form before receiving the scholarship.

Tell me about the Wythe-Bland Scholarship Program. Do I qualify?
The Wythe-Bland Foundation Scholarship Program provides full tuition and fees for all qualified residents who graduate from Wythe and Bland County high schools.  The program began in 2007. The scholarship covers up to five (5) consecutive semesters beginning the summer semester after high school graduation (Summer, Fall, Spring, Summer, Fall, Spring).  For qualified graduates, the Wythe-Bland Foundation Scholarship Program will pay for tuition and fees not covered by federal or state financial aid or other scholarships. Detailed information about the Wythe-Bland Foundation Scholarship Program

Tell me about the Twin County Community Foundation Scholarship Program. Do I qualify?
The Twin County Community Foundation Scholarship Program provides full tuition and fees for all qualified residents who graduate from Carroll County, Galax, and Grayson County high schools with at least a 3.0 high school GPA.  The program began in 2019. The scholarship covers up to five (5) consecutive semesters beginning the summer semester after high school graduation (Summer, Fall, Spring, Summer, Fall, Spring).  For qualified graduates, the Twin County Community Foundation Scholarship Program will pay for tuition and fees not covered by federal or state financial aid or other scholarships. Detailed information about the Twin County Community Foundation Scholarship Program

Tell me about the Forging Futures Scholarship Program.  Do I qualify?
Through generous grant funds awarded to WCC by the Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission, the WCC Educational Foundation established the "WCC Forging Futures Scholarship Program," a unique program that provides a full tuition and fees scholarship award to qualified students with financial need.  Detailed information about the Forging Futures Scholarship Program

Tell me about the Smyth County PROMISE Program Scholarship.  Do I qualify?
The Smyth County PROMISE Program provides full tuition and fees for all qualified residents who graduate from any Smyth County public, private or home school, beginning with the class of 2023. The scholarship covers up to five (5) consecutive semesters beginning the fall semester after high school graduation (Summer, Fall, Spring, Summer, Fall, Spring). For qualified graduates, the Smyth County PROMISE Program Scholarship will pay for tuition and fees not covered by federal or state financial aid or other scholarships. Detailed information about the Smyth County PROMISE Program Scholarship

Do I have to pay back my scholarship?

No, typically students do not have to repay scholarship, as long as they meet the terms of the scholarship agreement.

I applied and did not receive a scholarship this semester.  Does that mean I won’t receive a scholarship next semester?
Scholarship applications are reviewed and awarded each semester.  Students who do not receive a scholarship for one semester are encouraged to apply for the next semester. 

What are the basic academic requirements for scholarships?
All students must have at least a 2.0 grade point average or higher to receive any scholarship.

What are the other requirements for scholarships?
Some scholarships require community service, like the Wythe-Bland Scholarship Program, the Twin County Foundation Scholarship Program, and the Smyth County PROMISE Program Scholarship. Others require a thank you letter. Some scholarships require letters of recommendation.  Some scholarship recipients must attend the annual scholarship luncheon in the Spring semester of each year.

Do I have to be a full-time student to receive a scholarship?
No.  However, some scholarships are specifically designated for full-time students. Most scholarships require that students be enrolled for a minimum of 6 credit hours at WCC. Scholarship award amounts may be prorated for students taking less than 12 credits.

How much is each scholarship?
Scholarship amounts vary in amount available because each scholarship fund and endowment is set up separately. However, most scholarships range from $300 to $500.  Scholarships like the Wythe-Bland Scholarship, the Twin County Community Foundation Scholarship and the Forging Futures Scholarship are not a specific amount and pay the remainder of tuition and fees to qualified applicants, once all other federal and state financial aid and additional scholarships are applied.

What can I use the scholarship for?
Generally scholarships may be used for tuition, books, or other educational expenses, depending on the individual scholarship criteria. The Wythe-Bland Scholarship, the Twin County Community Foundation Scholarship, the Smyth County PROMISE Program Scholarship, and the Forging Futures Scholarship cover tuition only.  Scholarships are issued in the form of a tuition or book voucher, textbook loan, balance check or placed on a payment contract.

I received state and/or federal financial aid.  Is this the same thing as a scholarship?
Scholarship funds are completely separate from state and federal financial aid and require a separate application.

I didn’t receive any state or federal financial aid.  Does that mean I am not eligible for scholarships?
Scholarship eligibility is not always based on financial need.  Many of our scholarships do require financial need, but many others do not require that a student have financial need. Some scholarships are based on academic merit.

I received a scholarship at my high school.  Does WCC Educational Foundation provide that award to me?
Typically scholarships awarded by organizations outside WCC are not administered through the college. Please contact your high school guidance department for information on those scholarships. 

Where does the scholarship money come from?
Scholarship funds are provided by many generous private donors who believe in the value of community college education.  Some scholarships are provided through generous grant funds. The Wythe-Bland Scholarship program is funded by the Wythe Bland Foundation, the Twin County Community Foundation Scholarship is funded by the Twin County Community Foundation, The Smyth County PROMISE Program Scholarship is funded by the Smyth County Board of Supervisors and the Smyth County Community Foundation and the Forging Futures Scholarship program is funded by the Virginia Tobacco Commission.

I still have questions. How can I contact your office?
For additional information regarding scholarships or the scholarship application process, contact:

WCC Educational Foundation Office
1000 East Main Street
Wytheville, VA 24382
(276) 223-4771
1-800-468-1195 toll-free

On campus: Smyth Hall, Room 147

Search for information about available scholarships with the Virginia Education Wizard.